CMC hakee assistenttia

Kriisinhallintakeskus CMC Finland hakee assistenttia henkilöstö- ja operaatiotukiyksikköönsä vakituiseen virkasuhteeseen 1.1.2021 alkaen. Assistentti huolehtii siviilikriisinhallinnan asiantuntijoiden palvelussuhdeasioista (nimitykset, vuosiloma, palkkaus, operaatioon lähtö- ja kotiutustehtävät) sekä osallistuu ostolaskujen käsittelyyn, budjetti- ja määrärahaseurantaan sekä operaatiossa olevien asiantuntijoiden matka- ja kululaskujen käsittelyyn. Assistentti toimii myös turvallisuusselvitys- ja vakuutusasioiden yhteyshenkilönä. Lisäksi assistentti avustaa henkilöstöasiantuntijoita palvelussuhteisiin liittyvissä käytännön asioissa sekä … Lue lisää

Integrated Peace Operations Course 6-12 June (CANCELLED)

The IPC course is organised under the framework of the Finnish Centre of Expertise in Comprehensive Crisis Management, i.e. together with FINCENT. The IPC course is unique in that it brings together experts looking to work in the different components of a UN Mission, as well as UN Country Team, and allows them to train … Lue lisää

EU Integrated Crisis Management 6-11 September (CANCELLED)

The EUCIM course is organised under the framework of the Finnish Centre of Expertise in Comprehensive Crisis Management, i.e. together with FINCENT. It is hosted by FINCENT. The general objective of the course is to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the EU’s Integrated Approach on crisis management, as well as to increase information sharing, … Lue lisää

Hostile Environment Awareness Training 22-27 November (application deadline TBA)

Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) is an intensive course aiming to train professionals to deal effectively with risks-associated and emergency/critical situations while deployed in hostile environments abroad. The training is expected to align participants’ understanding of the minimum required behavioral field requirements when confronted as an individual or a team member staff of an international … Lue lisää

Pre-Deployment Training

In 2020, CMC Finland organises a Pre-Deployment Course on 31 March – 3 April in Brussels under the auspices of ESDC (European Security and Defence College). Selected mission members waiting to be deployed can apply through their seconding authority. Contract staff can apply through ESDC secretariat ( Finnish experts selected for positions in missions must … Lue lisää
