High Level Course 2024-2025

About the course Criris Management Center Finland is seeking a candidate to the 20th CSDP High Level Course 2024-2025. The course is organised by the European Security and Defence College (ESDC). Please find the course invitation in pdf-format here. The national application period for CMC Finland candidates ends on the 14th May at 16:15 (UTC +03:00). Schedule The … Lue lisää

Verkkokursseja asiantuntijoillemme

  Olemme keränneet kattavan listan erilaisia kansainvälisten järjestöjen tekemiä verkkokursseja Kriisinhallintakeskuksen verkko-oppimisalustalle. Kurssien sisällöt liittyvät konflikteihin, rauhaan ja turvallisuuteen. Kaikki verkkokoulutukset ovat ilmaisia, joillekin kursseille vaaditaan sisäänkirjautuminen kurssialustalle. Kurssit on jaoteltu teemoittain, saatavilla on koulutusta muun muassa ympäristöturvallisuudesta, hyvästä hallinnosta, ihmisoikeuksista, sukupuolten välisestä tasa-arvosta ja kyberturvallisuudesta. Siviilikriisinhallinnan asiantuntijat voivat pyytää ohjeita verkko-oppimisalustalle kirjautumiseen osoitteesta training(at)cmcfinland.fi.

Project Management in support of CSDP missions and operations (DL 26.2.2024)

About the course CMC Finland is seeking for candidates from to the PM²: Project Management in support of CSDP missions and operations. The course is co-organized by the Hellenic Supreme Joint War College (HSJWC) and the State Bureau for Training, Further Education and Personnel of the North Rhine-Westphalian Police (LAFP), under the auspices of the European … Lue lisää

EU Integrated Crisis Management Course (EUICM)

About the course FINCENT together with CMC Finland is seeking candidates for the EU Integrated Crisis Management Course (EUICM). The course is co-organized by the Finnish Defence Forces International Centre and the Crisis Management Centre Finland, as the Finnish centre of expertise in comprehensive crisis management, in the framework of the academic programme of the … Lue lisää

ESDC Core Course on Security Sector Reform (DL 13.12.2023)

Course description CMC Finland is seeking for candidates who have either completed basic course on civilian crisis management organised or appointed CMC Finland, or who have been deployed by CMC before to the Core Course on Security Sector Reform. The course is co-organized by the Austrian Centre for Peace (ACP) and the Austrian Federal Ministry … Lue lisää
