Remote Course for Trauma-Sensitivity in Peace Operations (DL 1.5.2023)

Kurssikuvaus Kriisinhallintakeskus hakee ehdokkaita Remote Course on Trauma-Sensitivity in Peace Operations -kurssille. Koulutus toteutetaan neljänä etäopetuskertana touko-heinäkuussa, ja sen järjestää Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF).  CMC:n kurssihaku on auki 26.4.-1.5.2023. Kurssin tavoitteet Kurssin tavoitteet kurssikutsun mukaan:  Understand the meaning and effects of stress and trauma in the context of peace operations (intersectional perspective) and … Läs mer

ESDC Advanced Course for Political Advisors in EU Missions and Operations (DL 6.3.2023)

Kurssikuvaus Kriisinhallintakeskus hakee ehdokkaita Advanced Course for Political Advisors in EU Missons and Operations -kurssille. Koulutus toteutetaan kolmena lähiopetuskertana huhti-syyskuussa, ja sen järjestää European Security and Defence College (ESDC) yhteistyössä Egmont – Royal institute for International Relationsin, Geneva Centre for Security Policyn (GCSP) ja Austrian National Defence Academyn (NDA) kanssa.  CMC:n kurssihaku on auki 16.2-6.3.2023. … Läs mer

Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) (DL 15.3.2023)

About the course Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT). HEAT is an intensive course aimed at training civilian crisis management professionals to deal effectively with high-risk and emergency situations in hostile environments. The completion of HEAT is a prerequisite for any mission with the risk rating ‘high’ or ‘critical’. These missions currently include e.g. Ukraine, Central … Läs mer

Course on Security Sector Reform (DL 10.3.2023)

About the course CMC Finland is organising a Course on Security Sector Reform. The course is co-organized and conducted in cooperation with the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF). The course will take place from 5 to 9 June 2023 in Espoo, Finland. We will accept applications until 1615 hours (Finnish time UTC +02:00) on 10 March 2023. … Läs mer

Course for Short Term Election Observers (DL 21.10.2022)

 Course description  CMC Course for Short Term Election Observers provides Finnish experts an opportunity to enhance and deepen their knowledge on international election observation standards and practices. The course offers Finnish experts a high quality, in-person training with practical exercises that provides knowledge and skills that are necessary for the work of a short-term observer … Läs mer
