Notes from the seminar “Civil society at the forefront – ensuring local ownership in civilian crisis management”

CMC organised a topical seminar bringing together actors from civilian crisis management, civil society and peace mediation. The participants discussed how the local civil society organizations (CSOs) could be further empowered and how the crisis management and peace operations together with international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) could help in this. The keynote presenters Dr. Tetiana Kyselova … Read more

New Policy Brief is Out: Findings and Recommendations on Getting the Most out of Civilian Crisis Management Secondments

Not fully utilising the competencies and skills seconded experts gain from civilian crisis management missions and secretariats is a waste of potential. The first publication in our new policy brief series looks at experiences of civilian crisis management experts returning to their home agencies, and gives a set of recommendations to improve relevant processes. First, … Read more
