Petersberg tasks
Crisis management activities (‘Petersberg tasks’) were first outlined within the framework of the Western European Union (WEU) in 1992. The Treaty of Amsterdam (1999) incorporated them into the EU’s foreign and security policy, and the development of EU crisis management was launched within the framework of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). The Santa Maria da Feira European Council (2000) set out four provisional priorities for civilian crisis management: police, strengthening of the rule of law and good governance, security sector reform and observation missions.
CMC Finland was established in 2007
CMC Finland was established on 1 February 2007. In the first year of operation, CMC divided into two units, training and research. The recruitment of civilian crisis management experts was transferred from the Ministry of the Interior to CMC Finland in 2008. Following the transfer, a new HR unit was formed with the responsibility for the logistical capacities of seconded experts.
Development of EU civilian crisis management
The Lisbon Treaty (2009) created the European External Action Service (EEAS), and the ESDP transformed into the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). Under this policy, the development of civilian crisis management as a foreign policy tool for the EU and its Member States gained more weight. Finland also presented its first national strategy for civilian crisis management in 2009. Furthermore, the EU Global Strategy (2016) gave new impetus to civilian crisis management.
CMC Finland moves to Helsinki and is transferred under the Ministry of the Interior
CMC Finland operated under the Emergency Services Academy Finland in Kuopio until the end of 2018. At the beginning of 2019, CMC Finland was transferred under the Ministry of the Interior as a separate central government body. During the transition period in 2019–2020, CMC Finland’s office was relocated to Helsinki. Training activities still continue to take place flexibly across Finland. In addition to the CSDP, Finland has also participated in and continues to participate in the civilian crisis management activities of the UN, the OSCE and NATO. It also deploys experts for civilian crisis management related positions in the secretariats of international organisations.
The development of EU civilian crisis management, involving Finland and CMC Finland, has continued with EU Civilian Compacts (2019 and 2023). The role of civilian crisis management in the CSDP has also been strengthened in the Strategic Compass of the EU (2022). Year 2023 marked the 20th anniversary of the launch of the European Union’s (EU) first civilian crisis management operation, the EU Police Mission in Bosnia Herzegovina (EUPM). Since 2003, the EU has launched 24 civilian missions on three continents.
Of all EU Member States, Finland has deployed the highest number of civilian crisis management experts in proportion to its population. CMC Finland has become a major national and international recruiter and training provider of experts in the field. Today, CMC Finland holds an established position in the training and support services of Finnish civilian crisis management actors and in research within the field.