Election Observation

Front page / Experts on the field / Election Observation

What is election observation?

International election observation strengthens the democratic development of the host country, with a particular focus on monitoring the organisation of elections. Missions sent to observe elections provide recommendations based on observations collected from the elections on how electoral practices should be improved in the future to meet the requirements set for free elections. Each year, Finland deploys several dozens of observers to election observation missions of the European Union and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

CMC Finland sends experts with very different backgrounds to observe elections. Candidates for election observer positions are expected to be interested in democracy and human rights issues and familiar with different political systems and electoral practices. Appropriate language skills and previous experience in international tasks are also required.

In Finland, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs decides to which election observation missions Finnish election observers are to be deployed. The Crisis Management Centre nominates Finnish experts for EU and OSCE (OSCE/ODIHR) election observation missions based on the selection criteria of these organisations. Both organisations make their own final selections among the candidates for both short-term (1–2 weeks) and long-term (1–3 months) election observation missions. With regard to OSCE election observation missions CMC is also responsible for deploying the experts. Read more about OSCE and EU election observation missions below.

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

ODIHR (The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights) is responsible for election observation missions in the OSCE. Such missions have been organised since 1996. The purpose of the ODIHR is to support member states and civil society by promoting democracy, the rule of law, human rights and tolerance. The OSCE only monitors elections in its member states.
Read more about ODIHR: OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights | OSCE
Read more about OSCE election observation: Elections | OSCE

European Union (EU)

Election observation is part of the EU’s foreign policy toolbox. The EU has had election observation missions since 2000. The EU can deploy election observation missions to countries all around the world, with the exception of OSCE member states. In the EU member states, election processes are observed by the OSCE.
Read more about EU election observation: EU Election Observation Missions | EEAS (europa.eu)

Finland’s participation in election observation

Finland is actively involved in international election observation activities by deploying several dozens of observers to EU and OSCE election observation missions each year. The map below shows where election observers sent by CMC Finland have served during this year.

Click on the image to make it larger.

If you want to listen to the information of the election observation map with a reading program, you can download a pdf file here.
