EU Integrated Crisis Management Course (EUICM)

Frontpage / What we do / Training / Course calender

About the course

FINCENT together with CMC Finland is seeking candidates for the EU Integrated Crisis Management Course (EUICM). The course is co-organized by the Finnish Defence Forces International Centre and the Crisis Management Centre Finland, as the Finnish centre of expertise in comprehensive crisis management, in the framework of the academic programme of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC). It takes place in Helsinki, Finland from 23 to 27 September 2024.


The course enhances knowledge and understanding about crisis management in the context of the EU Integrated Approach to External Conflicts and Crisis. It is designed to promote information sharing, collaboration and cooperation among various military and civilian actors in the area of crisis management, and humanitarian and development aid in the wider context of Common Foreign and Security Policy/ Common Security and Defence Policy. Through this training, focused on practical aspects, concrete case studies and a scenario-based exercise, participants will be able to:

• Create an accurate picture of the institutional set-up of the EU in crises management and the relevant operating procedures;
• Demonstrate the concept of EU integrated approach and how to implement it on the ground;
• Pursue more effectively shared analysis and integrated action through cooperative problem-solving and teamwork.

At the end of the course, a participant will have a holistic understanding of the key principles guiding the EU integrated approach to crisis management and will be able to integrate them in their respective area of competence. The course stresses the importance of cooperation and networking with the various actors in the institutions and in the field.

Target audience

Participants should be preferably senior level experts (civilian and military personnel, including civil administration and police) currently or aspiring to work in areas related to crisis management in the wider context of CFSP/CSDP, including EEAS, CSDP mission and operations, EU Delegations and European Commission, or working for other organizations in a crisis area. Priority is given to the personnel from EU Member States.


The tuition is free of charge; there will be no course fees. Accommodation will be provided in Santahamina, Helsinki at the FINCENT Students´Hotel. Accommodation during the course is free of charge for the students.


The application form should be filled out by 11 June 2024. You can find the application here.

More information

You can find the official course invitation behind this link.

For registration of participants and generic administrative matters, please contact the ESDC:

For the course contents and administrative matters in Finland, please contact FINCENT:

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