ToT Course on Investigating and Preventing SGBV in Conflict Environments (DL 22.5.2023)

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Course description

CMC Finland is looking for candidates to a Training of Trainers Course on Investigating and Preventing Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Conflict Environments organized by the Baden-Wuerttemberg State Police College and the European Security and Defence College (ESDC).

Application period is open between 12.5.-22.5.2023.

Course objectives

The course aims to enhance the capacity of mission personnel to integrate a gender perspective into their work to prevent and address sexual and gender-based violence. Participants will gain the necessary knowledge, tools and skills to mainstream this perspective into their work, including when reporting and supporting ongoing investigations.

More details on the course content can be found here.

Time and venue

The course takes place in Böblingen, Germany from 3 July to 14 July 2023. Attendance is compulsory on all days. The course consists of lectures, working groups, discussions, and Q&A. Participants are required to complete the relevant eLearning preparatory phase prior to the residential module.

Target audience

This course is designed for civilian experts, police and military personnel. The course is particularly useful for staff in investigative or advisory roles who have experience in law enforcement, the judiciary and other specialist areas. It is also useful for gender and human rights advisors. CMC Finland is looking to nominate a candidate for the course who has completed the basic training in civilian crisis management (BCCCM, IPOC, UNPOC or equivalent) or has been deployed by CMC Finland.

CMC Finland will nominate a candidate and ESDC makes the final selection.

Selection of participants

Applications are welcome until 22.5. by 16.15 (UTC+3). Applicants are informed as soon as the selections are made. Apply to the course by filling in the Webropol form.


CMC Finland covers the fees only for the selected candidate nominated by CMC Finland. CMC will not pay per diems during this course. Finnish secondees currently in missions should apply through their mission or organization.

More information

Further information and instructions are given by CMC Training Unit (

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