Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) 1-2025

Course description HEAT is an intensive course that trains civilian crisis management professionals to deal effectively with high-risk and emergency situations in hostile environments. The completion of HEAT is a prerequisite for any mission with the risk rating ’high’ or ’critical’. These missions currently include e.g. Ukraine, Central African Republic, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Niger, Somalia … Läs mer

Basic Course on Civilian Crisis Management (BCCCM) 2-2025

Course description The Basic Course on Civilian Crisis Management (BCCCM) applies to all roles, categories and levels and thus is independent of the specific function where the expert will be deployed. BCCCM takes into account the training requirements of various international organisations, for example: CMC Finland’s BCCCM also takes note of the work done and … Läs mer

Basic Course on Civilian Crisis Management (BCCCM) 1-2025

Course description The Basic Course on Civilian Crisis Management (BCCCM) applies to all roles, categories and levels and thus is independent of the specific function where the expert will be deployed. BCCCM takes into account the training requirements of various international organisations, for example: CMC Finland’s BCCCM also takes note of the work done and … Läs mer

KRIHA 24: Siviilikriisinhallinnan perusteet -seminaari

Osana KRIHA24-harjoitusta, CMC Finland järjestää Kriisinhallinnan perusteet -seminaarin 21.9.2024 klo 12-15 Lahden Hennalan entisellä varuskunta-alueella. Seminaarin tavoite Tavoitteena on, että seminaarin jälkeen osallistuja Kohdeyleisö Seminaari soveltuu kaikille siviilikriisinhallinnasta kiinnostuneille ammattitaustasta riippumatta eikä osallistujilla tarvitse olla aikaisempaa tietoa siviilikriisihallinnasta. Kurssilla käydään läpi siviilikriisinhallinnan perusteita. Seminaarin aika, -paikka 21.9.2024 klo 12-15 osoitteessa: Hennalan entinen varuskunta-alue, Pataljoonankatu 6, … Läs mer

ESDC Course on Strategic Planning Processes for Civilian Missions

Course description The aim of the course is to provide participants with knowledge and skills of strategic planning for civilian CSDP missions with a focus on the EU capabilities as part of the Integrated Approach. The course focuses on knowledge, tools and skills for strategic planning at EU level and primarily in the frame of … Läs mer
