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EU Integrated Crisis Management 6-11 September (application deadline TBA)

The EUCIM course is organised under the framework of the Finnish Centre of Expertise in Comprehensive Crisis Management, i.e. together with FINCENT. It is hosted by FINCENT.

The general objective of the course is to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the EU’s Integrated Approach on crisis management, as well as to increase information sharing, collaboration and cooperation among the different actors, namely military and civilian crisis management, humanitarian and development aid actors in the wider context of CFSP/CSDP.

Time and place: 6-11 September 2020, Helsinki, Finland. The course consists of an eLearning phase as well as the residential part in Helsinki, both being compulsory.

Target audience: Participants should preferably be senior level experts (civilian, police, military) who work in areas related to crisis management in the wider context of CFSP/CSDP, or work currently in a crisis area or can be prospective participants in the future EU missions or operations. Priority is given to the personnel from EU Member States being deployed to CSDP Missions and Operations.

Participation fee: TBA

Deadline: TBA

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