ESDC advanced course for political advisers in CSDP missions and operations (DL 11.3.2024)

Etusivu / Vad vi gor / Utbildning / Kurskalender

About the course

CMC Finland is seeking candidates for the ESDC advanced course for political advisers in CSDP missions and operations. The course is co-organized by Guglielmo Marconi University (UNIMARCONI), the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, and the Austrian National Defence Academy under the aegis of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC). The course is organized in three five-day modules: 22 – 26 April 2024 in Brussels, 3 – 7 June 2024 in Geneva and 1 – 5 July 2024 in Vienna.

We will accept applications until 1615 hours on March 11th 2024 (UTC +02:00). Applicants, who are completed basic course on civilian crisis management organized or appointed by CMC or have been deployed by CMC before currently not serving in a mission should apply by filling out the form below. Those currently serving in a mission should apply through their own mission and the ESDC secretariat.


The course aims to give participants an understanding of the tasks and challenges that political advisers at both operational and strategic levels in CSDP missions or operations are likely to face. It provides a detailed overview of the core principles of the EU’s External Action Service and the framework, skills and working techniques for political advisers, both in capital cities and in the field enhance participants’ existing skills through practical training exercises. Furthermore, the course encourages networking among individuals working in advisory positionsCourse participants are required to complete selected e-Learning modules in the preparatory phase preceding the residential part of each module. Detailed information about the three modules can be found here.

Target audience

The course is targeted to personnel working in political advisory positions/departments in national capital cities, EU institutions and EU agencies.CMC Finland is seeking candidates who have participated in the basic training on civilian crisis management and/or who have been deployed by CMC before. Those who are currently deployed by CMC should primarily apply through their mission/operation. Please contact CMC ( if applying through your mission is not possible.CMC Finland is nominating candidate(s) for the course, but the organizer is responsible for the final participant selection process. The nominated candidates of CMC Finland are not guaranteed to have a seat from the course. Nomination decision is based on the evaluation of applicant’s possible mission experience, work and study history and anticipated support that the course will bring to applicant’s recruitment to civilian crisis management missions.


CMC Finland will cover the plane tickets and reimburse the accommodation and intra-country travel costs during the residential modules for the selected candidate(s). CMC Finland does not pay per diems nor the meals during the training. CMC will cover the costs only for the selected applicants who have applied by filling in this form.


Candidates may apply to the course by filling Application Form the latest in the March 11th 2024 at 1615 hrs. Nominated candidate(s) will receive a message of confirmation during March.


Should you have any questions regarding the course, please contact us via email in with the headline ‘Political advisers course’.

With best regards,
Training Unit
CMC Finland

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