Course description
The Basic Course prepares experts for deployment to UN, OSCE, or EU peace operations. The course supports the development of professional and personal skills required to successfully work in a peace operation or civilian crisis management mission.
The curriculum includes interactive, practical exercises based on a scenario that reflects mission realities. The course provides the space for participants to reflect critically on the work of peace operations and encourages open discussions in the spirit of peer learning.
There will be two Basic Courses on Civilian Crisis Management in 2023.
BCCCM 1-2023 6.-12.3.2023
BCCCM 2-2023 16.-22.10.2023
The application period for both courses is 15.8.-30.9.2022.
The aim of the Basic Course is to provide future experts current knowledge, skills and attitudes needed in the experts’ work.
Target audience
Experts looking to be deployed to a civilian crisis management mission and who fulfil the requirements of the position they could be recruited for. The course is for all staff irrespective of their professional background, what role they would play in the mission or what level of the mission they would work at.
Participation fee
CMC Finland covers the tuition, meals and accommodation costs for those participants.
Application period for the Basic Course is held in the autumn of the previous year. For the 2023 Basic Courses application period is on from 15 August to 30 September 2022. You can find the application form from this site: Link to the application form.