The Contribution of Cyber in Hybrid Conflict (Pilot Course) (DL 3.8.2023)

Etusivu / Mitä teemme / Koulutus / Kurssikalenteri

Course description

CMC Finland is looking for applicants for the Contribution of Cyber in Hybrid Conflict course. The course is co-organized and conducted in cooperation with the European Defence Agency and the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats under the auspice of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC).

Application period is open between 26.7.-3.8.2023.

Course objectives

This course aims to educate participants about key elements of cyber defence and hybrid threats, and to provide them with the necessary practice of understanding, via a decision-making exercise, in addressing the implications of the intersection of cyber and hybrid threats/attacks and campaigns. Additionally, the course will provide participants with opportunities for networking and intellectual cross-fertilisation, including across communities that may not frequently interact.

More information on the course can be found here.

Time and venue

The course will take place in Helsinki, Finland from 11 to 15 September 2023. Participants are required to prepare for the course by reviewing pre-course materials prior to the residential part of this course. The completion of both the online and residential course components is a precondition for receiving the course certificate.

Target audience

The course is for non-specialized and specialized on strategic level mid-to-senior rank military officers and civilian officials equivalent in (or liable for) Cyber/Hybrid-related practitioner roles in EU institutions, or in Member State ministries. CMC Finland is looking to nominate a candidate for the course who has completed the basic training in civilian crisis management (BCCCM, IPOC, UNPOC or equivalent) or has been deployed by CMC Finland.

CMC Finland will nominate a candidate and ESDC makes the final selection.

Selection of participants

Applications are welcome until 3.8.2023 by 16.15 (UTC+3). Applicants are informed as soon as the selections are made. Apply to the course by filling in the Webropol form.


CMC Finland covers the fees only for the selected candidate nominated by CMC Finland. CMC will not pay per diems during this course. Finnish secondees currently in missions should apply through their mission or organization.

More information

Further information and instructions are given by CMC Training Unit (

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