Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) (DL 15.3.2023)

Etusivu / Mitä teemme / Koulutus / Kurssikalenteri

About the course

Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT). HEAT is an intensive course aimed at training civilian crisis management professionals to deal effectively with high-risk and emergency situations in hostile environments. The completion of HEAT is a prerequisite for any mission with the risk rating ’high’ or ’critical’. These missions currently include e.g. Ukraine, Central African Republic, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Niger, Somalia and South Sudan. If you intend to apply only for low or medium risk missions or Secretariat positions only, you do not need to complete the HEAT course. However, HEAT training is valuable in any civilian crisis management operation.

CMC Finland organizes HEAT 1-2023  in Helsinki and Jämijärvi, Finland from 20 to 25 April 2023. We will accept applications until 1615 hours (Finnish time UTC +02:00) on 15 March 2023.

The overall objectives of the course are:
(1) to improve participants’ knowledge of multiple threats present in hostile field environments and of ways and means of dealing with them in an effective manner; and
(2) to rehearse and practice safety and security procedures according to specific threats.

The course themes are:

  • Awareness of Threats, Risks, and Personal Security
  • Risk Assessment
  • Mobile Security: Safety and Security Procedures for Vehicle Movement
  • Management of Threats related to Gatherings, Protests, Demonstrations, and Riots
  • Hostage Situations and Conduct after Capture
  • Stress Management, Awareness of First Aid and Health Maintenance on mission
  • Weapons, Mines, Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), and Unexploded Ordenances (UXOs)
  • Protection of Classified and Sensitive Information
  • Radio Communication, Maps and Use of GPS
  • Four-by-Four Driving

Target Group

The main target group for this training is civilian crisis management experts (to be deployed, recently deployed or aiming at applying to low / middle / high / critical risk civilian crisis management missions) who haven’t yet attended to HEAT -training or whose HEAT-certificate has expired. The participants have preferably attended at least a general introductory course on civilian crisis management operations, or gained relevant experience in international field operations.

Also other applicants currently or aiming at working or travelling in hostile environments may also apply for the course.


For participants who have completed the basic training on Civilian Crisis Management (BCCCM, EUPCC, IPOC, UNPOC etc., either organized or appointed by CMC) or been deployed by CMC Finland, there is no course fee.

For those who have not completed the above-mentioned training or have not been deployed by CMC, there is a 1800€ fee covering tuition, full-board accommodation in shared team cottages and travels during the course.

Salaries, daily allowances and travel to/from the course venue in Helsinki, Finland, are the responsibility of the sending organisation/participants themselves. CMC Finland does not cover any possible accommodation outside the course dates. No per diem is provided by CMC Finland.


Applications are expected by 16:15 on 15 March 2023 Finnish time (UTC +02:00)
Application form can be found here.


Should you have any questions regarding the course, please contact us by email with the headline ’Hostile Environment Awareness Training 1-2023’.

With best regards,
Training Unit
CMC Finland

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