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New Policy Brief is Out: Findings and Recommendations on Getting the Most out of Civilian Crisis Management Secondments

Not fully utilising the competencies and skills seconded experts gain from civilian crisis management missions and secretariats is a waste of potential. The first publication in our new policy brief series looks at experiences of civilian crisis management experts returning to their home agencies, and gives a set of recommendations to improve relevant processes.

First, improving organizational culture and understanding the value civilian crisis management secondments bring to home agencies through new skills, experiences and competences is needed. Second, more personnel planning is needed. Where, when, and how could the experts gain relevant insights and experiences through civilian crisis management secondments?

Third, communications and repatriation practices should be improved and streamlined to ease the re-introduction back to home agencies after the secondments. Fourth, competencies gained during the secondments should be recognised and acknowledged by both the experts themselves as well as their home agencies.

This policy policy brief is the first in our new publication series examining current issues related to civilian crisis management in a concise format and providing recommendations for action.

Read the policy brief here: Getting the Most out of Civilian Crisis Management Secondments – Findings and Recommendations for Experts and their Home Agencies
